Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Time Warp

Prompt: Calibrate. Word Count: 150 words
Time Warp

“I’ve never seen anything like it, Captain."

"What is it, Lieutenant?"

"It's the time sensor, sir. When we bounced off that wrinkle in the wormhole back there, it started going crazy. The needle's oscillating back and forth like a pendulum. I can't calibrate it. It seems we're caught in a timewarp,"

"Of course we are Lieutenant, is that not the very nature of a wormhole?"

"Sure, but I can't tell if we're heading for the future or the past!"

"What difference does that make? Need I remind you, Lieutenant; this is an exploratory expedition? If you had wanted to stay in the present, you should have stayed home!"

"Sir, I advise caution; no one's ever gone through this particular wormhole. We've no idea what to expect."

"If we don't like what we see when we come out, we'll simply turn around. What part about exploratory expedition did you not understand?"

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